Mossy Head Water Works, Inc.
1485 Co Hwy 1087
DeFuniak Springs FL 32433
Phone: 892-6154 Fax: 892-0677
Universal TDD: #711
Effective MAY 2022 – All previous rate schedules are null and void.
Miscellaneous Fees:
Reconnect Fee: $40.00 This is for non-payment of water bills.
Service Fee: $25.00 This is for turn on of meters.
Unauthorized Use Fee: Minimum $500.00 This is for unauthorized use or tampering with MHWW equipment (meters, valves, locks, hydrants, lines).
Return Check Fee: $30.00
Backflow Testing: $35.00 This is for all customers with an above ground backflow device.
Non-Access Charge: $40.00 This is for all meters that are inaccessible for meter reading or regular maintenance by the corporation.
Meter Test Fee: $100.00 If meter falls within AWWA standards customer will be charged a meter test fee. If meter is found to over register more than 2% MHWW will pay testing fee and adjust bill.
Residential/Commercial Water Usage Rates: one meter per residence or business
- 0-2000 gallons = $ 25.80
- 2001-4000 gallons = $ 5.21 per 1000 gallons
- 4001-6000 gallons = $ 5.59 per 1000 gallons
- 6001-8000 gallons = $ 5.98 per 1000 gallons
- 8001-10,000 gallons = $ 6.38 per 1000 gallons
- 10,001- 25,000 gallons = $ 6.80 per 1000 gallons
- 25,001- above gallons = $ 8.61 per 1000 gallons
Water Meter Deposit Residential/Commercial
- 5/8- $100 owner $200 renter
- 1”- $100 owner $200 renter
- 1 ½”-$100 owner $200 renter
- 2”- $250 owner/ renter
- 4”- $400 owner/ renter
Commercial/Residential Tap Rates: determined by meter size
- 5/8 x ¾ = $3,120
- 1” = $5,740
- 1 ½” = $11,100
- 2” = $16,460
Larger meters are available with tap fees determined by site situation and materials cost.
Backflow devices installed at owners expense.
Directional bores under paved roads will be charged based on length of bore and materials cost.
All tap fees are payable in full prior to installation.